Opening Ceremony

Ritual offerings for our weekend will be updated by september 1st, 2024 but will be very similar to past weekends. Please feel free to review the offerings below to get an idea of what you will find at Pollinate Women’s Weekend.

‘Ritual moves and moves and moves and moves a thing until it becomes a different thing.’ -adrienne maree brown

Ritual has been with human beings from the beginning and Pollinate Women’s Weekend is built around this powerful part of the human experience. We practice many different rituals to bond us, help us explore, help us transform and help us build new community and new vision. If you do not have a consistent ritual practice our hope is that you will find something here to begin with. If you do have a ritual practice we invite you to explore and grow in that practice with us.


Opening Ceremony prepares us for the journey ahead and introduces us to our fellow travelers. Please bring a talisman to the ceremony that represents you. A picture, stone, special jewelry, book, a item from nature . . . something that speaks about your soul to others.

The Body Ritual


Deep Receiving Cacao Ritual


The BackPack Ritual


Trail of Fire Ritual


Anger Break


Closing Ceremony

The naked body represents truth, the truth that goes deeper than social custom and is a sign that a Goddess’s loyalty is to the truth before any ideology or any comforting illusions. Join Kathryn for this powerful, intimate ritual where we explore being naked in a non-sexualized environment. This ritual will be limited to twelve women. We will completely disrobe during the ritual so you must be willing to confront all your emotions being in this embodied state.

Please pre-register here, and again, space is limited to preserve the intimacy of this ritual.

Giving is easy, but receiving is whole different story. Explore your relationship with receiving in this intimate ceremonial cacao ritual. Shannissy and Kathryn will guide participants in this ritual that will help you experience learn a practice you can use to practice deep receiving with others throughout your life. We will be aided by help by the plant medicine of ceremonial cacao. Cacao is known to be a powerful opener of the heart will consumed as part of the ritual.

Please pre-register here, and again, space is limited.

What are you carrying day in and day out? Is it yours or someone else's? Join Kathryn for this powerful ritual where we explore our lives from the unique perspective of a backpack. This ritual will be limited to twelve women. You must be able to hike approximately for 30 minutes with a backpack. PLEASE BRING A BACKPACK WITH YOU TO THE RITUAL.

Please pre-register here, and again, space is limited.

There is nothing more powerful than to witness and be witnessed in authentic space. Trail of Fire is a time devoted to witnessing. As the weekend’s high ritual we strongly encourage you all to attend this special and moving ritual on Saturday night. No registration required.

Have you ever been so angry you could throw something? In this ritual we invite to do just that! At any point during the weekend you feel like releasing your anger, you are welcome to come to the barn for the opportunity to break some china in this self-guided ritual. This ritual is healing and liberating, and maybe just a little fun.

In Chinese medicine, anger is associated with the liver and there is no sound that calms the liver better than the sound of a plate or cup or bowl crashing to the ground.We’ve been taught that expressing ourselves in this way is unruly or crazy but it’s actually a physiological response to our anger and allowing yourself to break something can help get the energy in your body back into a balanced state.

Although it may be tempting to leave first thing Sunday morning it is definitely not advised. Closing Ceremony is essential to help you ground, integrate and transition back to the everyday world. TRUST US, YOU NEED THIS RITUAL. No registration required.